Two Way Radio Etiquette

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Talking over a two-way radio is not the same as talking on a landline or mobile phone. For one thing, most two-way radios operate in simplex mode1, which means that a user can either talk or listen, but can’t do both at the same time.Only one radio user can talk at a time, while the others listen. To help make your two-way radio experience a positive one, and to ensure communications is effective, here are some basic etiquette rules and protocols to follow.1. Speak clearly and simplyIt’s important to choose words that are easy to understand by all when communicating over two-way radio. Speak slowly and clearly. Use your normal voice. No shouting please.

It’s a good idea to think about what you want to say instead of blurting it out.2. Identify yourself and your intended recipientThis is especially important if there are a group of users sharing the same radio channel. People are busy, sodirect your message to the right person.3. Wait for confirmationBefore proceeding, wait to ensure that your intended recipient has heard you or that they are available for communications. Once this is confirmed, begin your message.4.

Two Way Radio Etiquette Date Added 22.01.19. Are you new to two way radio communications? This simple guide can be used to save time and help avoid confusion during transmissions. It is necessary that users understand their meaning and become familiar with their use.


Keep messages shortGet to the point and keep your messages short. This isn’t the time for long-winded water cooler conversations.

Two Way Radio Etiquette

If you must relay a long message let your audience know at the start of the message. It’s also a good idea to break long messages into sections or parts.5. Avoid transmitting sensitive or private informationRadio frequencies and channels are shared, therefore, unless you know that a channel is secured with the proper encryption, do not communicate sensitive or private information.6. Do not interruptIf another radio user is communicating, wait for the conversation to end.

Hotel Radio Etiquette

Remember, only one person can talk at a time. Repeatedly pressing the Push-to-Talk (PTT) button isn’t going to get you anywhere. Emergency messages are the ONLY exception to this rule.7. Sabrina viso d'angelo children. Listen for your call sign before respondingUnless you know the call is for you, do not engage in the conversation.8. Acknowledge a direct contactIf another radio user is attempting to communicate with you directly, acknowledge the call with either “Go ahead” (indicating you are ready to receive) or “Standby” (indicating you need a minute before you can engage).9.


Remember to pauseWhen you press the PTT button, there may be a short delay before the radio begins to transmit. Before you begin to speak, wait a couple of seconds to ensure the beginning of your message is received.10. Radio Communication Language - Learn the lingoIf you are going to communicate using two-way radio, you need to know the basic language. The table below provides general terms and their meaning.Do NOT use slang or inappropriate language.11. Complete routine radio checksIn order to receive transmissions, you need to ensure that your radio is functioning properly.

Proper Two Way Radio Etiquette

Check to ensure batteries are charged and the device is turned on. Make sure the volume is set high enough for you to hear incoming transmissions. Regularly check to ensure that you are in range.12.