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May 10, 2012 - Learn Sanskrit: Reading the lessons off-line. A copy of the editor is available for free download from this site. Lessons off-line as well as prepare documents in Sanskrit and all the official Indian Languages). PDF This paper gives clear and understandable major elements of the Telugu grammar with examples. Telugu is the language which adapted huge number of Sanskrit terminology which are known as. Languages are word order free. Currently it offers an interactive self-learning course for Beginners in Sanskrit. Download the booklet subantarUpANI in PDF (416Kb) format or its HTML.

No.EnglishSanskritWhat this is1IअहंPronoun – First person, singular2WeवयंPronoun – First person, plural3You (Singular)त्वंPronoun – Second person, singular4You (plural)यूयंPronoun – Second person, plural5HeसःPronoun – Third person, masculine, singular6SheसाPronoun – Third person, feminine, singular7Itतत्Pronoun – Third person, neuter, singular8They (masculine)तेPronoun – Third person, masculine, plural9They (feminine)ताःPronoun – Third person, feminine, plural10They (neuter)तानिPronoun – Third person, neuter, pluralAs is known the pronouns of the third person, singular, viz. He, She, It, are different according to the gender.

This is so in Sanskrit also.In English, the pronoun of third person plural is ‘they’. It is common for all three genders. In Sanskrit it is NOT common.Coming to the verb, in English the verb has only two forms – ‘go’ and ‘goes’.In Sanskrit, they are different according to the person (first, second or third) and number (singular or plural)Table 1-3.

No.PersonNumberVerb1FirstSingularगच्छामि2– First– Pluralगच्छामः3SecondSingularगच्छसि4– Second– Pluralगच्छथ5ThirdSingularगच्छति6– Third– Pluralगच्छन्तिAs can be seen, in Sanskrit there is a good, very distinct correspondence between the pronoun and the verb. When we would say गच्छामि it is clear that the subject is pronoun of first person, singular, i.e. अहं So, in Sanskrit if we say गच्छामि it is not at all necessary to say अहं!! The verb-form गच्छामि is structured to be the form for first person singular and hence structured for the subject to be अहं. That is why Sanskrit is called as a “structured” language. One can readily appreciate the usefulness of such ‘structured’-ness of the language. It lends brevity and crispness.

If it is not necessary to say अहं गच्छामि and if it is adequate to say just गच्छामि – saying only one word instead of two is fifty percent shorter!But in the structuring process, the Rishi’s thought it good and important to have the ‘number’-concept to be not just singular and plural, but singular, dual and plural. That applies both to pronouns and the verb-forms.Table 1-4 – Pronouns. 1अहम् गच्छामि I go2आवां गच्छावःWe two go3वयं गच्छामःWe go4त्वं गच्छसिYou go5युवां गच्छथःYou two go6यूयं गच्छथYou go7सः गच्छतिHe goes8तौ गच्छतःThey two go9ते गच्छन्तिThey go10सा गच्छतिShe goes11ते गच्छतःThey two go12ताः गच्छन्तिThey go13तत् गच्छतिIt goes14ते गच्छतःThey two go15तानि गच्छन्तिThey goGiven this basic structure of 15 sentences, we can take 9 verb-forms of any verbal root and make 15 sentences for each verbal root.For the Verbal root वद् (= to say, to speak) the verbal forms areTable 1-7Verbal forms for वद्. PersonSingularDualPluralFirstवदामिवदावःवदामःSecondवदसिवदथःवदथThirdवदतिवदतःवदन्तिBy the way, one would not find in dictionary the wordsगच्छामि गच्छावः गच्छामः गच्छसि गच्छथः गच्छथ गच्छति गच्छतः गच्छन्तिवदामि वदावः वदामः वदसि वदथः वदथ वदति वदतः वदन्तिअहम् आवाम् वयम्त्वम् युवाम् यूयम्सः तौ तेसा ते ताःतत् ते तानिThese are all derived forms, derived from root words. For example,वदामि वदावः वदामः वदसि वदथः वदथ वदति वदतः वदन्ति are derived from the verbal root वद्, i.e. From धातु वद्.

We can find वद् in the dictionary. This is a huge difference between dictionary of Sanskrit from dictionary of other languages. Of course in English also we do not look for words like me, my, us, our, your, him, his, her, its, them, their, etc. Yet there is a difference and the difference is huge, because number of words which can be derived from a root word is very large. We have just seen 9 words derived from the verbal root वद्.

How Old Is Sanskrit Language

This is not even the tip of an iceberg. These 9 words are of present tense. There will be more words in past and future tenses and in imperative mood and in other moods as obtained in English by using auxiliaries such as shall, will, should, would, can, could, may, might, must, ‘ought to’. In Sanskrit the emphasis is on deriving a word so that it can stand by itself. That is the basic logic of ‘structuring’.By the way, the verbal forms गच्छामि गच्छावः गच्छामः गच्छसि गच्छथः गच्छथ गच्छति गच्छतः गच्छन्ति are derived from the verbal root गम् (= to go). Technical term in Sanskrit for verbal root is धातु. Sanskrit word for verbal form is क्रियापदम् or तिङन्तम्It is also to be noted that the words अहं आवां वयं त्वं युवां यूयं are better written as अहम् आवाम् वयम् त्वम् युवाम् यूयम् with the ending म् clearly visible, when the words are stand-alone or at the end of a line of a poem or at the end of a sentence.

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This in fact is the rule.Compiled below are verbal forms of some commonplace verbal roots धातु-s.Table 1-8verbal forms of some commonplace verbal roots धातु-s. नमो नमः श्रीमन् “लवलेशानन्द”-महोदय तथा श्रीमन् सेतुमाधवन्-महोदय! The best learner leassons I have come across for the english knowing population who are interested in learning Sanskrit. The effort put in By SRI Abyankar is indeed immense and, the learners will be indebted to him for this great service.Learning Sanskrit by fresh approach series by Sri Abyankar was also too good. The presentation way is unique and only Sri Abyankar can do this so well.

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Sanskrit was always regarded as a language with difficult grammar rules. But Sri abyankar is great and his trying to make it very interesting and easy for people like us.May God help him in every way to coninue this work for years to come.

Sanskrit is a language that has been written since the 19th century. It is the liturgical language of Budhism, Jainism and Hinduism and the classical language of the Indians. This alphabet is called the varnamala to simply mean a garland of letters. They are organized in the chart based on their phonetic properties such as voicing, articulation and articular surface among others. As a student of the Sanskrit language, you need all the help available for you. This can be downloaded in PDF and Word file formats for easy learning at your own pace. The way it is organized, you will find self guidance even without the help of a tutor.

Sanskrit Basics Pdf

Why do we Need a Sanskrit Alphabet Chart Template?A Sanskrit alphabet chart template is an interesting collection of Sanskrit learning templates. This collection of templates is made by keeping in mind that the user is an amateur who needs to learn the language of Sanskrit from its basics. This template can help one in understanding the basics of Sanskrit language by breaking the templates into charts. Each chart contains the various vowels as well as consonants of Sanskrit. Each one is elaborated further with its exact, traditional sound. This sound is spelt by the medium of English language for user’s convenience. The need of Sanskrit alphabet chart templates is to basically help the user in clearing his basic concepts relating to this language.You can also see.

When do we Need a Sanskrit Alphabet Chart Template?In classrooms where Sanskrit is taught, the need of Sanskrit alphabet charts is indispensable. The students can learn the vowel sounds and consonant sounds of Sanskrit alphabets through this chart. Along with that the chart lists the consonants in a detailed manner i.e. In five groups. Thus, one can use this document as it is by downloading it and printing it for use. What are Benefits of Sanskrit Alphabet Chart Templates?The collection of Sanskrit alphabet chart templates listed in this portal is to equip the reader with genuine material on Sanskrit language.

This will help him in learning the language through an authentic source. Since all the templates listed here are taken from trustable source. Also these templates are absolutely free of cost so one needs not pay any extra or undue price for access these templates. The user gets the assurance of quality at no undue price.Sanskrit teachers, students, Sanskrit enthusiasts can access this collection of Sanskrit alphabet templates for helping the students in clearing their concepts of this tricky language. The template assures one of authentic and trustable content. One can access these documents in PDF Format.You can also see.If you have any DMCA issues on this post, please!