Django Change Admin Passowrd

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Posted byLast updated on February 7th, 2019How do I fully replace the username field with an email field for Django authentication?This post explains step-by-step how to create a custom in Django so that an email address can be used as the primary user identifier instead of a username for authentication.Keep in mind that the process outlined in this post requires significant changes to the database schema. Because of this, it's only recommended for new projects. If this is for an existing legacy project, you'll probably have to back up the data and recreate the database. For more on this, review the following resources:. guide from the official Django docs. blog postContents.AbstractUser vs AbstractBaseUserThe default User model in Django uses a username to uniquely identify a user during authentication. From django.test import TestCase from django.contrib.auth import getusermodel class UsersManagersTests ( TestCase ): def testcreateuser ( self ): User = getusermodel user = User.

If you have the Django admin installed, you can also change user’s passwords on the authentication system’s admin pages. Django also provides views and forms that may be used to allow users to change their own passwords. Changing a user’s password will log out all their sessions. See Session invalidation on password change for details. Change the router's admin password. Instructions vary by router manufacturer, but in general, you'll want to look for the security settings page. Change the administrator credentials. If you can, change the username. When you reset the password, enter a strong complex password. Mar 17, 2018 - This package provides views, to use the built-in Django password reset functionality from inside the admin interface. Features: Add a link to the.

Createuser ( email = ', password = 'foo' ) self. AssertEqual ( user. Email, ' ) self. AssertTrue ( user.

Isactive ) self. AssertFalse ( user.

Isstaff ) self. AssertFalse ( user. Issuperuser ) try: # username is None for the AbstractUser option # username does not exist for the AbstractBaseUser option self. AssertIsNone ( user. Username ) except AttributeError: pass with self. AssertRaises ( TypeError ): User. Createuser with self.

Django Administration Default Password

AssertRaises ( TypeError ): User. Createuser ( email = ' ) with self. AssertRaises ( ValueError ): User. Createuser ( email = ', password = 'foo' ) def testcreatesuperuser ( self ): User = getusermodel adminuser = User. Createsuperuser ( ', 'foo' ) self. AssertEqual ( adminuser. Email, ' ) self.

Django Admin Disable Change Password

AssertTrue ( adminuser. Isactive ) self. AssertTrue ( adminuser.

Django Change Admin PassowrdDjango Change Admin Passowrd

Isstaff ) self. AssertTrue ( adminuser. Issuperuser ) try: # username is None for the AbstractUser option # username does not exist for the AbstractBaseUser option self. AssertIsNone ( adminuser. Username ) except AttributeError: pass with self.

AssertRaises ( ValueError ): User. Createsuperuser ( email = ', password = 'foo', issuperuser = False )Add the specs to users/, and then make sure the tests fail. Model ManagerFirst, we need to add a custom, by subclassing BaseUserManager, that uses an email as the unique identifier instead of a username.Create a file in the 'users' directory. From django.contrib.auth.baseuser import BaseUserManager from django.utils.translation import ugettextlazy as class CustomUserManager ( BaseUserManager ): ' Custom user model manager where email is the unique identifiers for authentication instead of usernames.

' def createuser ( self, email, password,. extrafields ): ' Create and save a User with the given email and password. ' if not email: raise ValueError ( ( 'The Email must be set' )) email = self. Normalizeemail ( email ) user = self.

Model ( email = email,. extrafields ) user. Setpassword ( password ) user. Save return user def createsuperuser ( self, email, password,. extrafields ): ' Create and save a SuperUser with the given email and password. ' extrafields. Setdefault ( 'isstaff', True ) extrafields.

Setdefault ( 'issuperuser', True ) extrafields. Setdefault ( 'isactive', True ) if extrafields. Get ( 'isstaff' ) is not True: raise ValueError ( ( 'Superuser must have isstaff=True.' )) if extrafields. Get ( 'issuperuser' ) is not True: raise ValueError ( ( 'Superuser must have issuperuser=True.' )) return self. Createuser ( email, password,.

extrafields ) User ModelDecide which option you'd like to use-subclassing AbstractUser or AbstractBaseUser. AbstractUserUpdate users/ From django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser from django.utils.translation import ugettextlazy as from.managers import CustomUserManager class CustomUser ( AbstractUser ): username = None email = models. EmailField ( ( 'email address' ), unique = True ) USERNAMEFIELD = 'email' REQUIREDFIELDS = objects = CustomUserManager def str ( self ): return self. EmailHere, we:.

Created a new class called CustomUser that subclasses AbstractUser. Removed the username field.

Django forgot username

Made the email field required and unique. Set the USERNAMEFIELD-which defines the unique identifier for the User model-to email.

Specified that all objects for the class come from the CustomUserManagerAbstractBaseUserUpdate users/ From django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractBaseUser from django.contrib.auth.models import PermissionsMixin from django.utils.translation import gettextlazy as from django.utils import timezone from.managers import CustomUserManager class CustomUser ( AbstractBaseUser, PermissionsMixin ): email = models. EmailField ( ( 'email address' ), unique = True ) isstaff = models. BooleanField ( default = False ) isactive = models. BooleanField ( default = True ) datejoined = models. DateTimeField ( default = timezone.

Now ) USERNAMEFIELD = 'email' REQUIREDFIELDS = objects = CustomUserManager def str ( self ): return self. EmailHere, we:. Created a new class called CustomUser that subclasses AbstractBaseUser. Added fields for email, isstaff, isactive, and datejoined.

Set the USERNAMEFIELD-which defines the unique identifier for the User model-to email. Specified that all objects for the class come from the CustomUserManagerSettingsAdd the following line to the file so that Django knows to use the new User class.