Cara Menggunakan Cheat Yu Gi Oh Forbidden Memories Pc

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Yu-Gi-Oh!: Forbidden Memories: Permainan dimulai di Mesir kuno, dengan Pangeran Atem menyelinap keluar dari istana untuk melihat teman-temannya, Jono dan Teana, di lapangan duel. Sementara di sana, mereka menyaksikan upacara yang dilakukan oleh para penyihir, yang lebih gelap dari upacara yang biasanya mereka lakukan. Cara menggunakan pec PENDAHULUAN. Sebenarnya semua cheat psx ada tetapi kamu harus mendownload softwarenya (klik disini). Setelah anda mendownload software, kamu harus mempunyai epsxe 1.7.0. Jika belum punya (klik disini).jika sudah buka 'epsxe'nya. Tetapi itu juga harus di seting. Klik config, klik video, lalu bawahnya 'select.

Cheat Yu-gi-oh Power Of Chaos

First of get this card,it will help you threw out the game.Type in at password 94773007 ATK/2200 DEF/100, it lacks defense but makes up for ATK points.It cost 80 starchips.Now that thats done lets move on to Fusions!There are many ways to get the same card by fusing!Here are some basics.Pot the trick+Key mace=Mystical sand ATK/2100 DEF/i don't rememberPot the trick+Petit dragon=Stone D. Dragon ATK2000/DEF2300Petit Dragon+Any plant card=Jungle King Dragon ATK2100/i don't rememberKey mace#2+Mystical Elf=Dark elf ATK2000/800Happylover+Wolf=Garvas ATK/2000 Def/1800Yes there are many more fusions.More will be seen later.Our next topic is star chips to get some heres the chart!S-Rank Duel 5 Star-ChipsA-Rank Duel 4 Star-ChipsB-Rank Duel 3 Star-ChipsC-Rank Duel 2 Star-ChipsD-Rank Duel 1 Star ChipYou get them every time You defeat a opponent.You`ll get better ranks if you do alot of fusions and lose less cards.THE END!!!!!!!!!! Part to with strong cards coming soon! Hey guys I got Labyrinth tank (Atk-2400 and defense-2400) yesterday.If you beat Heishin 2 and whenyou get a screen 'YOU WIN!' Let it fade away by itself and don't click anything that's the only way to get rare cards.I also got twin headed thunder dragon from Seto 3.I did the same thing as I did to Heishin 2.Seto 3 was easy.

I beat him with my skull knight with an attack of 4150 in mercury guardian star. If you attack blue eyes ultimate dragon with skull knight with attack of 4150 in mercury guardian star he'll be 4650.Trust me this works.See ya soon and don't forget to let screen 'YOU WIN!' Yo what's up home dogs!I read somewhere on super cheats(good webpage!) that some one asked how to beat the high mage wit the gate dude(gate gaurdian).First get three ragekis ill tell ya how. If you have 2 memory cardsthen you should be able to do this.First you enter any name that you like on memory card b(the game with out your data that you want to keep) and look for rageki and if its not there try it again wit the name thing and all.Do this till you get 3. Next defeat low medow mage lots of times with good ratings.(A and S)You'll get cards like black meteor d and black skull d and skull knight and dark magician.How I think it works is luck and good ratings because some people defeat him 25 times and get black meteor d and I only beatin him 78 times and all I got was skull knight and only 10 times I've gottin lower than B.Just keep doin it until you think you have a really good deck and just go kick some gate gaurdian but!Oh ya somtin been reallllllly bugging me.You cant pause the game!!!!!

Why can't people figure it out! Why do you need to pause anyway?To enter some bogus cheat that dosen't work! And if you need to pause it during a duel just leave it on your turn and do your thing that you need to do!The cards aren't going to scurry of into some lost video game cyber world!Why can't people get that through their lil heads than they must have half a brain and a thick skull and must be blind!O and have field magic and/or normal magic cards like moutain to power up black m and black s.And there is no such thing as infinite starchips code without game shark!Anyone who agrees wit me put this little symbols at the end of they're submition! (' ')Q(' 'Q)(kirby and boxin kirby)This is me signing off good night and happy duelings!

This is not realy infinate star chips it's just tells you how to buy cards without spending star chipsSo first you are going to need 3 memory cards (A,B and C)So get an amount of star chips needed for a card that you want on memory card A then copy data from memory card A to memory card B. Buy the card you want on memory card B then start a new game on memory card C then trade the card you just bought from memory card B to memory card C then trade it to memory card A. This should mean that on memory card A you should have the card you wanted and still alot of star chips, you bought a card without spending a single star chip.

You can repeat this as many times as you want. And if you ever manage to get to 999,999 star chips (which I can't) then you can buy every single card on the game in this way.

Cara Menggunakan Cheat Yu Gi Oh Forbidden Memories Pc

Ok this is a awesome cheat. It got me the following cards within 20 minuets.dark magician=2500/2100skull knight=2650/2250meteor B dragon=3500/3000curse of dragon=2000/1500millennium shield=0/3000skull bird=1900/1700kwagar hucules=1900/1700HOW!!! This is how:beat low meadow mage in campain and then go to free duel. Battle him and get a S-TEC BUT!!!! When it says YOU WIN! Let it fade dont press anything while it is on that screen.

The 1st time i did it i got dark magician. Its very helpfull.hope this helps.btw this is 100% NOT FAKE!!! I know a way that you can get loads of magic and trap cards without dueling anyone or payin a single starchip!This trick requires 2 memory cards. Have all your strong monsters, fusion monsters, magic cards, etc, one memory card A.On memory card B, start a new game, go to the card shop and look at the magic cards in your deck. Put all the cards in your chest and go to trade (you need to have both memory cards plugged in.)Trade a weaker monster that you dont need on memory card B and then take the magic and or trap cards from memory card B and put and trade them with Memory card A, last but not least exit load and you will 3 magic cards in your stronger deck.p.s. You can do this as many times as you want to get as many magic and or trap cards you want.See you later! Ok this is a awesome cheat.

It got me the following cards within 20 minuets.dark magician=2500/2100skull knight=2650/2250meteor B dragon=3500/3000curse of dragon=2000/1500millennium shield=0/3000skull bird=1900/1700kwagar hucules=1900/1700HOW!!! This is how:beat low meadow mage in campain and then go to free duel. Battle him and get a S-TEC BUT!!!! When it says YOU WIN! Let it fade dont press anything while it is on that screen. The 1st time i did it i got dark magician.

Its very helpfull.hope this helps.btw this is 100% NOT FAKE!!! First of get this card,it will help you threw out the game.Type in at password 94773007 ATK/2200 DEF/100, it lacks defense but makes up for ATK points.It cost 80 starchips.Now that thats done lets move on to Fusions!There are many ways to get the same card by fusing!Here are some basics.Pot the trick+Key mace=Mystical sand ATK/2100 DEF/i don't rememberPot the trick+Petit dragon=Stone D.


Dragon ATK2000/DEF2300Petit Dragon+Any plant card=Jungle King Dragon ATK2100/i don't rememberKey mace#2+Mystical Elf=Dark elf ATK2000/800Happylover+Wolf=Garvas ATK/2000 Def/1800Yes there are many more fusions.More will be seen later.Our next topic is star chips to get some heres the chart!S-Rank Duel 5 Star-ChipsA-Rank Duel 4 Star-ChipsB-Rank Duel 3 Star-ChipsC-Rank Duel 2 Star-ChipsD-Rank Duel 1 Star ChipYou get them every time You defeat a opponent.You`ll get better ranks if you do alot of fusions and lose less cards.THE END!!!!!!!!!! Part to with strong cards coming soon!

This is not realy infinate star chips it's just tells you how to buy cards without spending star chipsSo first you are going to need 3 memory cards (A,B and C)So get an amount of star chips needed for a card that you want on memory card A then copy data from memory card A to memory card B. Buy the card you want on memory card B then start a new game on memory card C then trade the card you just bought from memory card B to memory card C then trade it to memory card A. This should mean that on memory card A you should have the card you wanted and still alot of star chips, you bought a card without spending a single star chip. You can repeat this as many times as you want. And if you ever manage to get to 999,999 star chips (which I can't) then you can buy every single card on the game in this way. Hey guys I got Labyrinth tank (Atk-2400 and defense-2400) yesterday.If you beat Heishin 2 and whenyou get a screen 'YOU WIN!'

Let it fade away by itself and don't click anything that's the only way to get rare cards.I also got twin headed thunder dragon from Seto 3.I did the same thing as I did to Heishin 2.Seto 3 was easy. I beat him with my skull knight with an attack of 4150 in mercury guardian star. If you attack blue eyes ultimate dragon with skull knight with attack of 4150 in mercury guardian star he'll be 4650.Trust me this works.See ya soon and don't forget to let screen 'YOU WIN!' Yo what's up home dogs!I read somewhere on super cheats(good webpage!) that some one asked how to beat the high mage wit the gate dude(gate gaurdian).First get three ragekis ill tell ya how. If you have 2 memory cardsthen you should be able to do this.First you enter any name that you like on memory card b(the game with out your data that you want to keep) and look for rageki and if its not there try it again wit the name thing and all.Do this till you get 3.

Next defeat low medow mage lots of times with good ratings.(A and S)You'll get cards like black meteor d and black skull d and skull knight and dark magician.How I think it works is luck and good ratings because some people defeat him 25 times and get black meteor d and I only beatin him 78 times and all I got was skull knight and only 10 times I've gottin lower than B.Just keep doin it until you think you have a really good deck and just go kick some gate gaurdian but!Oh ya somtin been reallllllly bugging me.You cant pause the game!!!!! Why can't people figure it out! Why do you need to pause anyway?To enter some bogus cheat that dosen't work! And if you need to pause it during a duel just leave it on your turn and do your thing that you need to do!The cards aren't going to scurry of into some lost video game cyber world!Why can't people get that through their lil heads than they must have half a brain and a thick skull and must be blind!O and have field magic and/or normal magic cards like moutain to power up black m and black s.And there is no such thing as infinite starchips code without game shark!Anyone who agrees wit me put this little symbols at the end of they're submition! (' ')Q(' 'Q)(kirby and boxin kirby)This is me signing off good night and happy duelings!