Cara Modem Huawei Hg532e Sebagai Penangkap Wifi

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Video ini menjelaskan cara setting modem ADSL TP-LInk TD-W8961N dari TELKOM yang sudah tidak terpakai sebagai ACCESS POINT. Di rumah bertingkat (≥2 lantai), karena faktor jarak dan dinding beton, sinyal WiFi menjadi melemah di ruang lantai atas atau kebalikannya. Tutorial ini akan memberikan solusi praktis dengan modal modem bekas Telkom Speedy atau IndiHome.1. Reset modem TP-Link bekas tersebut.2. Setting modem TP-Link tersebut dengan Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox, dsb.3. Restart modem TP-Link. And It’s ready to use.

  1. Cara Modem Huawei Hg532e Sebagai Penangkap Wifi Password

Sempat saya berpikir menyambungkan dengan modem WiFi lain untuk berfungsi sebagai repeater tapi ternyata ini belum tentu diperlukan. Saat saya mengecek setting modem ADSL saya TP-LINK TD-W8151N dan Huawei HG532e pemberian Telkom Speedy (sekarang IndiHome) yang ternyata entah kenapa konfigurasi defaultnya dalam kekuatan sinyal kok cukup rendah. Om, cara diatas uda akku ikuti, tp wifi modem ke II (adsl) gak ada. Ttrus masuk ke ip buat setting ulang juga gak bisa, udah aku reset untuk mengulang cara diatas juga gak bisa. Ip modem adsl sedangkan ip modem utama (tp g bisa signin karena g tau user+pass) Reply Delete. Oke sobat, demikian artikel tentang cara setting modem huawei HG532e untuk speedy, semoga bisa membantu. Kalau misalnya sobat punya pertanyaan, saran atau tips lain tentang setting modem. Silahkan share ke sobat GPS yang lain dengan diskusi di kolom komentar.

Gampang.Thanks to.

This is a quick tutorial on how to convert a Huawei ADSL/VDSL Modem/Router in a router. The original firmware from Huawei HAS a repeater function, the dumb thing is some of the ISP that are re-branding and using this device have blocked this feature.Now for my special case, i received in the years 3 modems of this type from the same ISP, they just gave me a new one for free, and i needed to use the WIFI in the whole building, 3 level, but i cant get the signal from the top to the 2nd or to the ground level. Then i got the idea to use the modems that are just laying around. After fiddling and browsing around, i discovered that if i flash the original firmware on them i will loose the warranty on them (?!!!).

Cara Modem Huawei Hg532e Sebagai Penangkap WifiCara Modem Huawei Hg532e Sebagai Penangkap Wifi

Then i decided to use a patchwork, keeping the warranty and having the job done too.As you can see, in the pictures, the outside is somehow different but it is the same thing, the HG658.Now a step by step.1. The first HG658 (the one that has the ADSL/VDSL enabled, the one with the phone cord plugged in) will use the IP address poll from to We gonna make our 2nd HG658 go from to Log in the web interface of the HG658 (the one that is gonna be converted to repeater) and go toBASIC - LANIP ADDRESS: change from to then hit SUBMIT button.WARNING! WARNING!Do this when your PC or Laptop is only connected to this HG658 (that means no internet access, no connection to the 1st HG 658, the administration IP will otherwise overlap)2. We gonna disable DHCP.

2 DHCP servers in same network will block your network communication.Go to BASIC - LANDHCP SERVER: DISABLE then hit SUBMIT button.3. We gonna enable WAN and setup WIFI encryption and password for repeater (i recommend WPA2 without WPS and change the default SSID to something else like 'Repeater')BASIC - WANENABLEsetup password and stuff i told you before and hit SUBMIT button.4. Pug a LAN cable from the router that has internet access to one of the LAN ports of the repeater and you are clear to go, but read until the end before!WARNING! Thanks neumanngregor I have used the o2 branded firmware in the past but as Vodafone have released 1 or 2 newer firmwares since that o2 release, I'm back on them for now.

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I'm familiar with decrypting and tweaking the config files and I've done this for many units What I'm hoping to find is a more current F/W image direct from Huawei for the HG658c as the last release from Vodafone was some time ago now. As I mentioned above though, Huawei don't list the 658c on their websites as it seems to be a direct-to-telco unit (it may be listed. Just under a different model number).

Cara Modem Huawei Hg532e Sebagai Penangkap Wifi Password

A similar router to the HG658c is the eircom F1000 (Zyxel VMG8324-B10A) as they share the same Broadcom chipset. Zyxel has been much more forthcoming with newer firmware for their model with the latest release only a few weeks ago. I guess I'd like to see the popular HG658c receive the same consideration from Huawei.